
Saturday, March 22, 2014

French Rose quilt block

French Rose
October 6, 1933-French Favorite Owes Its Fame to New Orleans was the title of Nancy Cabot's Chicago Tribune column introducing her French Rose quilt pattern.

"Unmistakably French is this design with the center made in black-something of an innovation indeed" she wrote.  She goes on to say that the pattern was very popular with the settlers of old New Orleans.

She describes the original French Rose design to be made from "shades of rose and green with black instead of yellow centers."

It's a little hard to tell from my drawing but this is a very easy applique block made from just four petals, four leaves and a center. I haven't been able to find any old patterns or quilts made using this French Rose design.

The current French Roses Quilt Pattern, though very different than Nancy Cabot's pattern, is one of my favorite quilt patterns. I have made three quilts using this pattern.

I made the first one for my sister when she turned 50. I used 49 French Rose blocks on the front of the quilt and used #50 on the back of the quilt as a label.

I made two more French Roses quilts, one for each of my sister-in-laws for Christmas in 2008. Sure wish I had taken better pictures but then I'm lucky I have any pictures at all!

Tomorrow-Double Link

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