
Monday, March 17, 2014

Colonial Rose quilt block

Colonial Rose
October 1, 1933-The Colonial Rose quilt design continues the recent theme of appliqued floral quilts that Nancy Cabot seems to have been on the last couple of months.

The Colonial Rose quilt was another winner in the Sears Quilt Contest of 1933. Mabel Langley of Dallas, Texas won second place for her entry. Nancy Cabot's design varies a little from the design of the winning Colonial Rose quilt which can be seen here. The winning design has double petals. A copy of the pattern used by Mabel Langley can be seen here.

The design was published in the Sears Century of Progress in quiltmaking book which was a collection of patterns of some of the winning quilts. The pattern is image 13 in this link. Notice it's designed like Nancy Cabot's?

There are two different variations of Colonial Rose quilts here and here.


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