
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Seven Sisters quilt block

Seven Sisters
March 13,1933-The Seven Sisters quilt block is dedicated to "the seven lovely daughters of the Fowler family" of Old Virginia explains Nancy Cabot in her Chicago Tribune column.  Other names for the pattern  in 1933 were Seven Stars and Virginia Pride.

I did not make this block.  It would be much too complicated at the six inch size that I have been making. I think it would be best to hand piece it. If you want to try to make a Seven Sisters block, here is a great tutorial! There are some very nice Seven Sister quilt blocks to look at here and here.  There's even a pattern at that second link!

The block can also be found in Electric Quilt's BlockBase as W007.

Tomorrow-Little Beech Tree

There is now a flickr group where you can post pictures of your finished blocks for all of us to enjoy!  Click here to add pictures of your blocks or see what's posted so far. Take a look at these great blocks by The Enchanted Bobbin. I love them all!!

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